

Ayurvedic medicine is very ancient Indian herbal system which traces its tradition to the Himalayan Mountains of India over 5000 years back. Its based on the following main three elements of the body.


Ayurvedic medicine works toward healing by balancing these three elements. To determine the imbalance , a pulse diagnosis is taken. Through the pulse one can exactly tell what the imbalance is. ( Air-fire-Water is closest translation of vata-pitta-kapha).


Ayurveda does not focus on decreasing symptoms. It works to improve the quality of health. Symptoms are only used as one of the eight ways to figure out the underlying imbalance or weakness of a person.


Ayurveda uses a wide range of treatment, including but not limited to diet, meditation, herbal remedies. Exercise , daily and seasonal routines such as cleansing, fasts, massage, PANCHKARMA, etc. Herbal formula use plants in their natural form . Ayurveda claims to have no side effects because the herbal formulas work together in a natural way on the whole body , not just on one part.



Here are some major practices that Dinacharya promotes for a healthy lifestyle and body:

Rise and shine. According to Dinacharya, it is important to wake up before the sun rises. …


Cleansing of your senses.

Drink warm water.


Oil massage. 





In Ayurveda, Cow’s milk & ghee are the Believed to be the best for human consumption, It is full of nutritive qualities and ideal diet for those heart patients who suffer from excessive cholesterol in their blood. Its regular consumption enhances physical and mental strength , keeps the body healthy and increases the potency of the body. It is not only nutritive but also helps in taking out the impurities from the body. It helps to improve your vision as well as the muscles and makes your tendons healthy. It makes bones sturdy yet supple. Its taste is also very good.

Ayurveda And Music

One of the best remedies for stress is music. Music is often linked to moods and certain songs can make individuals feel a variety of emotions from happy, calm, energetic or relaxed.Thus while treating patients in ayurveda also we can use music therapy.
Classical and other soothing music can lower the heart rate, blood pressure and levels of the cortisol stress hormone. In addition, classical music increases serotonin production, which helps combat anxiety, panic and depression.
Classical music is a winner at helping you focus. Music that has a tempo of 60 bpm (beats per minute) increases the efficiency of the brain in processing information. The best way to use it is to have it playing softly in the background as you get on with your tasks.
Music therapy is the clinical use of music to accomplish individualized goals such as reducing stress, improving mood and self-expression. It is an evidence-based therapy well-established in the health community. Music therapy experiences may include listening, singing, playing instruments, or composing music.
Engaging in music has been shown to facilitate neuroplasticity, therefore positively influencing quality of life and overall functioning. Research has shown that music activates cognitive, motor, and speech centers in the brain through accessing shared neural systems.
Music therapy can help to relieve pain and reduce stress and anxiety for the patient, resulting in physiological changes, including:

Improved respiration
Lower blood pressure
Improved cardiac output
Reduced heart rate
Relaxed muscle tension

In Ayurvedic therapies like shirodhara light music or Omkaar jap is played in the background so that patient feels stress free during procedures.
In many cases Mantra chanting or prayers in any form helps relieve anxiety, pain & stress.
There was a research saying that ‘Gayatri Mantri ‘ should not be chanted during menstrual cycles as all Vedic mantras have some frequency which acts upon different glands , chakras & organs.
In most of the cases it can cause hormonal disturbances in our body which can disturb their menstrual cycles extending it beyond 5 days also.
Research even showed that lactating mothers who chanted gayatri mantra produced lesser milk than normal mothers.
Gayatri Mantra produces vibrations that work on chakras namely Mooladhara , Swadhisthana & Manipura . It also works on the pituitary & Prostate glands in human body .
Women who chant gayatri mantra regularly can lose their female -hood character .
Thus in Ayurveda music therapy is used frequently & at ease to treat patients as ayurveda is a science of life. ☺️