

There are the 7 DHATUS or Body Tissues that gives shape and form to the body. The 7 DHATUS are as follows :Rasa or Rasayana (Tissue Fluids), Rakta (red blood cells), Mansa ( Skeletal muscle ), Meda ( fat & connective tissues ), Asthi ( Bones ), Majja ( Bones Marrow ), and Shukra ( Sperms or Males & Female reproductive fluids ). Their nature is to nourish & support each other like Rasa nourishing Rakta, Rakta nourishing Mansa & so on. Therefore if a problem exists in one of the 7 DHATU, those down the line also start to suffer , as they are not being properly supported.

Each of the DHATU nourishes & supports a subsidiary tissue or UPDHATU which in turn produces waste products or MALA. The UPDHATU does not nourish each other or any other tissue for that matter. The relationship between DHATU and UPDHATU & MALA are very important as they are all required for the well being of our body. What will also be included here are the ways the DHATU influences our overall physiological being. These 7 DHATU are produced as a result of the metabolism of our daily foods.

Unique to Ayurveda is a concept of Agni ( FIRE ) . To put it in simple words Agni is the digestive fire, it is Agni that has the power to digest the food well, making all nutrients available to the tissues. It is Agni that powers mind to be intelligently disciplined to achieve inner beauty . It is Agni that also cleans toxins and excess wastes from the system, keeping the digestive tract clean  and the outer body fresh and glowing.


  • Add fresh ginger powder into your tea or coffee ( Pitta type always use half or less amount of ginger products , Vata type can take 1tsp per cup or even less if symptoms like chest burning persist).
  • GHEE is the best source of nutrients for all body types. You can make your food with it or add it into your food.
  • Try to eat smaller meals, if you are already suffering from constipation divide your lunch & dinner preferably into 2 parts.
  • After every meal drink lukewarm water. Its best to drink it in the morning &  on empty stomach. This will make your bowel movements smooth.
  • With each bite , try to chew a maximum of 32 times, as proper chewing helps in further digestion of the food.