

The word “YOGA” derived from the Sanskrit language “YUJ”, which means join or union, the purpose of yoga is to unite man, the finite with the infinite along with some amount of cosmic consciousness, truth, God, light, or whatever other name one chooses to call, the ultimate reality. Therefore YOGA as they say in India, is marriage of spirit & matter. Its practice usually starts with HATHA YOGA which gives the body necessary health and strengths to endure the hardships of the more advanced stages of training. Hatha YOGA is the YOGA of physical well being. It consists of several steps and is preceded by the ‘YAMA’ and “Niyama” There are 6 stages of YOGA namely 1st stage is called “Asana”(or posture), the 2nd “Pranayama”(or breath control),The 3rd is “Pratyahara”(or nerve control),the 4th “Dharana”(or mind control), 5th is “Dhyana”(or meditation), and finally there is Samadhi, the state of ultimate bliss and spiritual enlightenments. Strictly speaking the last four stages of Hatha YOGA already merges into the realm of RAJA YOGA.